Almost everyone has at least one sensitivity. Many people are not aware, however, that their symptoms may be caused by inappropriate food choices. They continue to eat the same foods day after day never getting complete relief from supplements or lifestyle changes.
There are two basic types of food sensitivities: allergies and intolerances. An allergy is an unnatural immune response to a specific protein in a food that is otherwise harmless to most people. An intolerance is an inability to digest or metabolize a particular food constituent, because it exceeds the body's ability to handle it. In either case, if our body's functioning is impaired in any way by an offending food, then we need to stop eating it.
Unless you are specifically looking for food sensitivities, you are unlikely to find them. Their symptoms are elusive. They can mimic almost any ailment and affect almost any organ or tissue in the body.
The most telltale sign of food sensitivity is chronic fatigue - not the usual kind, but an almost painful tiredness that is not helped by bed rest. No matter how much sleep one has, one never feels rested.
Other symptoms of hidden food sensitivities may include:
Dark or puffy circles under the eyes
Spastic colon, colitis, irritable bowel
High blood pressure
Bed-wetting, uncontrolled urination
Enlargement of lymph glands in neck
Insomnia, sleep disturbances
Heavy sweating not related to exercise
Fluid retention
Muscle spasms, aching muscles
painful, stiff or swollen joints
Depression or crying spells
Sinus attacks
Catch colds easily
Repeated bouts of bronchitis or pneumonia
Hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder
Constipation or diarrhea
Marked fluctuations in weight
Eczema, psoriasis, rashes, dermatitis
Bladder infections
Dry stuffy nose
Runny nose
Bloating or puffiness in face
Bronchial asthma
Migraine headaches
Chronic ear infections
Almost any food has the ability to cause adverse reactions, depending on one's individual sensitivity to it. Some people react to food additives, such as MSG, preservatives and food colorings. Most sensitivities, however, are to everyday natural foods. Common offenders include milk products, wheat, eggs, chocolate, caffeine, oranges, strawberries, peanuts, nuts, corn, potatoes, sugar, shellfish, tomatoes, pork, beef, sugar and soy.
Addiction and sensitivity are two sides of the same coin. The foods we crave are often the culprits. Unless we track down and TOTALLY eliminate the offending foods, complete relief is not possible.
The biggest mistake most people make is believing that a little bit won't hurt. A little bit of a poison is still a poison. Even one molecule can be too much!
There are a number of ways to track down and identify hidden sensitivities including elimination diets, pulse testing, and blood pressure monitoring. But, the easiest way is to consult your local nutritional consultant or other practitioner who specializes in the detection of food sensitivities.
BioScanMSA Technology is an excellent system to help detect food sensitivities non-invasively.